Dialektik is a non-profit promoter assembling club nights and live performances. Aiming to claim the bicephalous nature of music as a producer of reality and as an instrument of social interpretation, critically acknowledging its plural and transversal character, it focuses on alternative, innovative, negative or somehow relevant works.

CuratorCarlos Añón

Visual CommunicationPablo Huertas

Podcast AssistantIñaki Abrego (2022–)

LegalFran Baeza (2024–)


It is the true message in the bottle


It is the true message in the bottle

Podcast 07



UK producer of TT (fka Tobago Tracks) and co-founder of Cherche Encore hmurd drops a mix with a bunch of unreleased tracks that could be described, following a marxist-rephlexian formula, as abstract, non-genre(der), cutting-edge, political, tender, kitsch, danceable-non-danceable, ironic, grotesque, fresh, challenging, liminal, digital, post-modern, dynamic, enjoyable, tasty, naive, internet native, decommodified, expansive, global, exotic and many more.

“Proudly mixed in VirtualDJ”.

Photography by Geray Mena.

Yearling – Laced &&& Dragged
daniel ruane & emma lee biotic sophie fuckup (hmurd blend)
Fausto Mercier – Firmest Fine
Ro Stambuk – Catéter
hmurd – Beighton Champ
hmurd – unreleased
hmurd – unreleased
Club Winston – Another
The Master Musicians of Dyffryn Moor – The one about Tory MPs posing in food banks
hmurd – unreleased
The Master Musicians of Dyffryn Moor – A hex on those who seek to destroy the NHS
Braz_OS – Thanks, but I’m the Captain
Imaabs & Lechuga Zafiro – Sofoca
Pobvio, Lila Tirando a Violeta, El Plvybxy & Rattlesnakke – Mata Tool
riian_mii (hmurd blend)
hmurd – unreleased
Rouble – Mikey Finger (Live)
hmurd – Low Grade Plastics
Daniel Ruane – IV(CF_BD)
eye measure – ochen
Gooooose – Arp Kicks
The Modern Institute – 200 Edit
Kindohm – It Me
FLOOR BABA – Wigglecore (galen tipton Remix)
hmurd – unreleased
